The Research Report of Intermediate People's Court of ChongQing Area in a Trial the Implementation of Streamlined Common Proceeding 重庆某中级人民法院辖区内普通程序简化审实施情况的调研报告
However, seedling density, seedling diversity and seedling richness were peaked at the intermediate basal area in three conifer forests and decreased with the increase of basal area. 针叶林内,最高幼苗密度、多样性和丰富度均出现在中等胸高断面积的情况下。
Study on the Wild Lily Intermediate Scales Cutting Propagation Techniques of Yuxi Mountainous Area 豫西山区野生百合中层鳞片扦插繁殖技术研究
Attention has not been paid for a long time to petroleum exploration in the intermediate and shallow terrestrial clastic rock layers in the Chishui area, Guizhou Province. 贵州赤水地区的中浅层陆相碎屑岩油气勘探长期未引起充分重视。
A computation on intermediate and deep levels sea currents in Nansha Islands area in winter and summer 南沙群岛海区冬夏季中、深层海流的计算
Through this kind of intermediate area, the interaction and correspondence between individual and community, architecture and residential community environment can occur. 通过这种中介领域,个体与社区、建筑与居住社区环境的相互作用和契合得以发生。
In addition, in the case of buoyancy force, in order to obtain fine air distribution, the critical relations among the effective vents area, the position of the intermediate level vent and the ratio of the effective vents area were analyzed with neutral theory. 另外,热压单独作用时,用中和面理论分析获得良好的室内气流组织,有效开口面积,中间开口位置以及有效开口面积比之间的临界关系。
It is an intermediate area between residential community planning area and design area. 是居住社区规划领域和建筑设计领域之间的一种中介领域。
And ( 4) intermediate Hg contamination was presented in the area adjacent to Liaodong Peninsula and in outer sea area. 辽东半岛近岸和外海海区呈现偏中度Hg污染。
When function has the quality of intermediate value in the defined area, the type of breaking point must be the second kind. 一个函数在其定义域上若具有介值性,则其间断点的类型只能是第二类的;
Briefly Discuss the Combustion Feature of Intermediate Coal Boiler and Its Optimum Combustion Adjustment on High Altitude Area 浅谈高海拔地区中储式燃煤锅炉的燃烧特点及对其的优化燃烧调整
A critical survey of importance, difficulties and methods for stopped-flow kinetics analysis on active intermediate species in biochemical system and the presented state of this area are presented in this paper. 评述了动力学分析法研究生物反应活性中间体的意义,存在的困难,研究方法及近年来这一多学科交叉与渗透领域的研究进展。
The essay analyzes the climatic characteristics in the intermediate area and the present situation of building energy effeciency and points out the importance and urgency of energy effeciency of housing. 本文从分析我国过渡地区气候特点入手,指出建筑节能尤其是过渡地区住宅建筑节能的重要性和紧迫性。
Spiral coil pipe is shaped by means of utilizing the effect of intermediate frequency induction in order to quickly heat the limited area of a steel pipe, making the heated pipe within its plastic deformation range follow the preset track at a definite speed. 螺旋盘管的成型是利用中频感应效应使管子在小区域内快速加热,被加热的管子在其塑性变形范围内,按预先设定的轨道以一定的速度向前推进达到成型。
And natural mineral water is the most probably found in fracture zone, secondary fissure structure zone, marble and intermediate basic rock area and Quaternary system with good waterproof bed at the base 提出了断裂破碎带及其次级构造裂隙发育区、大理岩、中基性火山岩分布区及第四系底部有良好的隔水层地区是本区矿泉水最有利的找矿靶区
There are Cenozoic continental intermediate and acid volcanic rocks in the Tianshui area, western Qinling. The rocks are mainly composed of rhyolite, parts of rhyolitic ignimbrite ( breccia tuff), a little amount of breccia tuff and volcanic agglomerate. 西秦岭甘肃天水地区分布的新生代陆相中酸性火山岩,主要由流纹岩、部分流纹质熔结(角砾)凝灰岩及少量角砾凝灰岩、火山集块岩等组成。
Application of fuzzy preference ratio on intermediate strong earthquake hazard area judgement in northeast of China 模糊优先比在东北中强地震危险区判定中的应用
Investigation on intermediate host infection of clonorchis sinensis in Huainan area 淮南地区华支睾吸虫中间宿主感染情况调查
Issues about Experiment of Nurturing by Intermediate Felling of Artificial Commercial Forest in Natural Forest Protection Area of Zhaotong City 昭通市天然林保护工程区人工商品林抚育采伐探讨
The Relation between Intermediate Strata and Social Development in Beijing Rural Area 京郊农村社会分层中中间阶层与社会发展的关系
The development of the gravity intermediate area topographic correction system 重力中区地形改正系统的研制
Objectives: To evaluate the intermediate outcome of the prenatal care program in the rural area of less developed region. 目的:对经济欠发达地区农村开展的产前保健项目的中间结果进行评价。
Rate of re-nurture study of reproductive women intermediate fertility variables in Chongqing city and rural area 重庆城乡育龄妇女中介生育率变量研究
When the shape of the ribs are arranged symmetrically on both sides of the plate, the position of the rib in the intermediate plate, under the same area of cross-sections, the different paths of post-buckling of the ribs are compared. 当筋条的形状是在板的两侧对称布置时,筋条的位置在板的中间,比较了筋条在等横截面积情况下,后屈曲路径的不同。
Intermediate cutting can not improve the biomass of arborous layer on unit area in a short period. 短期内,间伐不能够提高林分乔木层单位面积的生物量。
Duan Jian is a Ming Dynasty intermediate stage Gansu area important educationalist, manages the scientist and the prose. 段坚是明代中期甘肃地区的一位重要的教育家、理学家和诗文大家。
The major and trace elements analysis showed that the Mesozoic intermediate and acid rocks in the study area were formed in the compressional island arc environment, the Mesozoic and Cenozoic basic igneous rocks formed in an extensional initial rift. 主量和微量元素分析表明,研究区中生界中性和酸性火成岩形成于挤压背景下的岛弧环境,中生界和新生界基性火成岩形成于拉张背景下的初始裂谷环境。
Oncomelania hupensis which is the solely intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum determine the endemic area of schistosomiasis. 日本血吸虫的唯一中间宿主-湖北钉螺的地理分布决定了血吸虫病的流行范围。
Xinzhuang gold deposit is located in the northern part of the North China Craton intermediate belt, and in a Mesozoic tectonic-magma activation area which is embedded by the two tectonic units-the northwestern Wutai uplifts of Shanxi platform and the southwestern Yanshanian subsidence belt. 山西辛庄金矿床位于华北克拉通中间带北部,山西陆台五台隆起西北侧与燕山沉降带西南缘两大构造单元相互嵌接的中生代构造岩浆活动带上,是中生代构造岩浆岩活化地区。